
Meet Advisory Board Member John Bebes



The College of Business and Information Technology is fortunate to be supported by a select group of knowledgeable and committed volunteers on its Advisory Board. Said Dean Bahman Mirshab, “The expertise and counsel that our Advisory Board members give our College and our University are of immeasurable value. 例如, they bring years of real-world experience that helps us keep our finger on the pulse of business and IT so that we can stay ahead of trends with new academic programs. One of our long-time Advisory Board members is 约翰·贝贝斯,注册会计师,CGMA, of Plante Moran.”

“I guess I have a philanthropic bent,” Bebes said. “Ever since I was a kid, give me a free t-shirt and lunch, and I’d volunteer for anything.” It’s not a surprise, 然后, that he headed Plante Moran’s Not-for-Profit Industry Group for 11 years and is now a Not-for-Profit Engagement Partner, which means he is a leader for the nonprofit practice at his firm and brings a unique perspective to the Advisory Board.


John Bebes, left, Josh Denomie, right

An honors graduate of Michigan State University in accounting, Plante Moran has been his base for helping nonprofit organizations since 1987. “My not-for-profit clients are mission driven. When I can assist them with their audit, 税, 商业需求, they’re free to focus on their passion — whether it’s people, 动物, 环境, or giving back and assisting their communities — instead of worrying about accounting and finances. They appreciate that I recognize this.”

He joined the Advisory Board in 2016. Bebes said, “I’m a little different than other members of the Advisory Board. I give a view from the accounting and not-for-profit point of view. I’m happy to be able to contribute to 利记sbo in this way.”

“I give a view from the accounting and not-for-profit point of view. I’m happy to be able to contribute to 利记sbo in this way.”


Bebes acknowledged, “I benefit from my volunteer work, 太. Besides the great feeling of helping with some major decisions the College and University have made, my firm has benefited, 太. 2019年4月, Dean Mirshab invited me to the induction ceremony for Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society recognizing academic excellence among business students. I met Josh Denomie, an accounting major. He asked me about an internship with our firm, which he did during our busy 税 season in 2020, and that led to our hiring a great 税 accountant in 2021! Plante Moran holds annual day-long job expos as a way to introduce 利记sbo and other university students to the firm for us to have more one-on-one and group time to get to know them better.” Denomie attend the 2019 expo.

“They say that giving is getting. I know that to be true,” said Bebes.

作者:rensame Ahee
