freshman students

Accepted Transfer Students

Reply to Offer of Admission
Log on to your  student status page , click reply to offer, and select your decision.

Submit Enrollment Deposit
This $100 enrollment deposit secures your place at Lawrence Tech. Additionally, 它可以确保你获得奖学金,并允许你申请住房, take required placement assessments, and sign up for an advising appointment. May 1 is the national candidate reply deadline. 一旦你选择了劳伦斯理工学院,我们鼓励你尽快提交入学押金.  Please note, for 2024, 我们已将入学存款截止日期延长至6月1日,以考虑到经济援助通知的延迟. The enrollment deposit can be submitted through your  student status page

Sign up for Housing
在您提交入学押金后,您可以申请住房  student status page . There is a $250 application fee for housing. This also serves as your security deposit. 一年级学生被鼓励住在校园里,因为计划的活动和一年级学生的倡议,减轻了从高中到大学的过渡. Additional information on University Housing is available at . You will receive your housing assignment in mid-July.

Register for Placement Assessments
分班评估是注册过程中的第一步,也是劳伦斯理工学院成功学术道路的关键. 这些评估的结果将被你的学术顾问用来决定你第一学期的合适课程. Once you submit your enrollment deposit, 不久之后,您将收到一封电子邮件,在您的学生状态页面上查看您的安置评估要求. 您将在学生状态页面的右侧找到这些要求, along with registration links and study guides. 如果你被要求参加分班评估,测试是虚拟进行的. 你需要一台带有网络摄像头和音频功能的电脑(台式机或笔记本电脑,而不是手机). You will also need a valid photo ID. Please note, 安置评估必须在您注册咨询预约之前完成.

Advising Appointment
During this appointment you will meet with your advisor, discuss the results of your placement assessments, and register for your first semester coursework. 咨询预约的注册将于3月份开始. Priority registration dates will be available in April. 请在三月初回到你的学生状态页面查看你的建议选项. Again, 在您的实习完成之前,您将无法注册咨询预约.

Laptop Deposit and Distribution
作为劳伦斯理工学院的新学生,最重要的事情之一就是拿起你定制的笔记本电脑. 我们希望你在学期开始前熟悉它的独特功能和软件. 为了有资格领取你的笔记本电脑,你需要支付500美元的笔记本电脑押金 student status page . You will be able to submit this deposit in early March. You MUST be fully registered for classes before you can pick up your laptop. Laptops will be distributed at our Family Orientation Days. 这些日子的注册将于3月中旬在你的学生状态页面上提供.

Submit Final Transcripts
Students still enrolled at another institution, 请确保在最后一个学期结束时提交最终成绩单. 一旦收到,我们可以审查是否有任何额外的转移学分可以接受.

Financial Aid & Tuition 
The first step is to fill out the FAFSA form, which is found at . 从2024年秋季开始的学生必须完成2024-25援助年度的FAFSA. Be sure to list 利记sbo as your school of choice on the FAFSA. 利记sbo's school code is 002279. 

After you register for classes, 您将通过电子邮件将预估自付费用发送到您填写FAFSA的电子邮件中. 如果你对此有任何疑问,请联系你的财务援助顾问. Contact information can be found at .

Reply to Offer of Admission
Log on to your  student status page , click reply to offer, and select your decision.

Enrollment Deposit
The $100 enrollment deposit can be submitted through your  student status page . This deposit secures your place at Lawrence Tech. Additionally, 它可以确保你获得奖学金,并允许你申请住房, take required placement assessments, and sign up for an advising appointment. May 1 is the national candidate reply deadline. 一旦你选择了劳伦斯理工学院,我们鼓励你尽快提交入学押金.

Apply for Housing
在您提交入学押金后,您可以申请住房 student status page . There is a $250 application fee for housing. This also serves as your security deposit. Transfer student housing information is available at . You will receive your housing assignment in mid-July.

Register for Placement Assessments
分班评估是注册过程中的第一步,也是劳伦斯理工学院成功学术道路的关键. 这些评估的结果将被你的学术顾问用来决定你第一学期的合适课程. Once you submit your enrollment deposit, 不久之后,您将收到一封电子邮件,在您的学生状态页面上查看您的安置评估要求. 您将在学生状态页面的右侧找到这些要求, along with registration links and study guides. Placement assessments are conducted virtually via Zoom. 你需要一台带有网络摄像头和音频功能的电脑(台式机或笔记本电脑,而不是手机). You will also need a valid photo ID. Please note, the placement assessments MUST be completed by your advising appointment. 

Advising Appointment
During this appointment you will meet with your advisor, discuss the results of your placement assessments, and register for your first semester coursework. 一旦您通过您的网站提交了100美元的注册押金,您就可以回复您的咨询预约  student status page

Laptop Deposit and Distribution 
作为劳伦斯理工学院的新学生,最重要的事情之一就是拿起你定制的笔记本电脑. 我们希望你在学期开始前熟悉它的独特功能和软件. 为了有资格领取你的笔记本电脑,你需要支付500美元的笔记本电脑押金 student status page  after you've submitted your enrollment deposit. You MUST be fully registered for classes before you can pick up your laptop. In mid-May the laptop distribution  schedule will be available to view on your student status page.  Laptop distribution generally begins in mid-July.

Submit Final Transcripts
Students still enrolled at another institution, 请确保在最后一个学期结束时提交最终成绩单. 一旦收到,我们可以审查是否有任何额外的转移学分可以接受.

Financial Aid & Tuition 
每年10月1日之后,符合条件的学生可以申请助学金. The first step is to fill out the FAFSA form, which is found at . 在3月1日之前申请的学生将获得所有可用资金的最大考虑. 从2022年秋季开始的学生必须完成2022-23援助年度的FAFSA. Be sure to list 利记sbo as your school of choice on the FAFSA. 利记sbo's school code is 002279. 

After you register for classes, 您将通过电子邮件将预估自付费用发送到您填写FAFSA的电子邮件中. 如果你对此有任何疑问,请联系你的财务援助顾问. Contact information can be found at .
Contact Program Director 
Use the program advisor webpage to view the contact information for your graduate program advisor. 一旦你被告知,你就可以注册课程了.
Register for Classes
View instructions on how to register to sign up for your courses. 

Apply for Housing
If you plan to live on campus, you will need to apply for housing. The deposit and application information can be found on your student status page .

Reply to Offer of Admission
Log on to your student status page , click reply to offer, and select your decision.

Enrollment Deposit
所有国际学生都需要提交500美元的不可退还押金,以完成申请并最终确定入学文件.  被录取的国际学生可以通过学生状态页面在网上提交入学保证金 . 国际学生入学押金必须在你被录取的学期开始前至少60天提交. 通过注册存款确认入学和签发I-20所需的所有文件必须在60天的截止日期之前提交. 加拿大公民免交国际学生入学押金.

Obtaining your I-20
为了获得I-20,提交每一份文件是非常重要的. Document types can be found by clicking here . 所有的入学要求必须完成,你必须在I-20签发之前被录取.  Once we have received all financial documents and the deposit, we will issue an I-20 via email along with your acceptance packet.

Visa Information
F-1签证是由国外大使馆或领事馆签发的官方文件,允许外国人申请进入美国学习. Click here  看看根据美国国务院估计你所在城市的等待时间.

Apply for Housing
If you plan to live on campus, you will need to apply for housing. 在你提交你的押金后,住房申请就可以了  student status page . Additional information on University Housing is available at

International Welcome Week
To ease your transition into your new life at Lawrence Tech, 国际项目办公室要求所有国际学生在课程开始前一周参加强制性的国际学生欢迎周迎新活动.  在国际欢迎周期间,你将参加任何必要的测试, meet with an advisor, learn about required health insurance , and register for coursework. 没有参加国际欢迎周的学生将错过咨询和注册的机会,并可能危及他们在劳伦斯理工学院注册的能力.

Contact Us

我们知道您正在做出重大决定,我们在这里帮助您找到您需要的信息. Email us. Text us. Call us. We are here for you.

Contact Us


A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center

Campus Map

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Virtual Appointments
Monday, Thursday and Friday
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Tuesday and Wednesday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Contact Us
