1.      When should I arrive at 利记sbo?
你可以不 enter the U.S. more than 30 days prior to your program start date. 我们建议你至少在开学前几天到达,这样你就可以适应时差.
2.    What do I need to know about my arrival in the U.S.?
3.    Do I have to attend 国际 取向?
是的,参加国际迎新会是必须的. Not 只有 do you meet your 国际 Advisors, other students and University staff members, 但你会了解到有关你的签证状态和大学政策和程序的宝贵信息.

4.    What is the weather like in Southfield?
5.    利记sbo在来美国之前需要接种疫苗吗.S.?

6.    Is t在这里 public transportation in the area?
Yes, Smart Bus is available. 
7.    我的SEVIS ID是什么?
您的SEVIS ID位于I-20/DS20-19的右上角. 它以N00开头.
8.    谁可以是受抚养人,我如何在我的记录中添加一个?
您可以添加您的配偶,或子女(21岁以下)可以添加为受抚养人. 有关如何添加依赖项的更多信息可以在dependent information选项卡下找到.
9.   我住在住房,我需要知道什么信息?
参观 University 住房 website for updates on living on-campus. 也, 因为你会提前到国际迎新会, 请务必联系大学住宿安排.
10.   W在这里 can I live off campus?
阿伯阁楼 is a close, local housing solution for 利记sbo students. Surrounding neighborhoods include: Dearborn, 诺维, 法明顿, 法明顿山, 皇家橡树, 身孕, 橡树公园.

1.     Can I work on campus?
Yes, you are eligible to work on campus immediately. 如果你获得了一个校内职位,请联系OIP.
2.      Can I work off campus?
可能的话,查看Work Authorization选项卡下的信息. 请记住,没有适当的Working许可,你不能在校外Working. 在没有适当授权的情况下Working是对你F1身份的严重违反,是不能容忍的.
3.      I want to apply for OPT, what do I need to do?
The first step you need to do is attend an OPT workshop. 你可以 find the schedule 在这里. 我们建议您在利记sbo的最后一个学期开始时参加.

4.     W在这里 can I learn about U.S. 税法? 
国际 Advisors at 利记sbo are 不 trained on U.S. 税法, and can不 advise our students on this topic. 请参阅 国税局网站在这里 有关外国学生和学者的税务信息.
1.      When can I register for classes?
如果你是利记sbo的新国际学生,你可以在迎新周结束时注册, 一旦你登记入住. 如果你是 a current student, 然后你可以根据你的学术水平在定期注册.
2.      What does 利记sbo consider full time enrollment?
Undergraduate students 必须 be enrolled in 12 credit hours; graduate students 必须 be enrolled in 6 credit hours. 博士课程的全日制ADMISSIONS因学位而异
3.      Can I study part time?
国际学生必须在秋季全日制入学 & 春季学期. Full time enrollment is 不 required in the summer 除非 it is your first or last semester.
4.      What if I am graduating – can I be part time?
Yes, please complete and submit a Reduced Course Load Request form.
5.     I want to drop a course, who should I talk to?
你应该和你的学术顾问谈谈放弃一门课程对学术的影响, 但是你应该 从来没有  在没有与国际顾问沟通的情况下放弃一门课程,以确保它不会对你的学业产生负面影响.
6.     Do I have to be enrolled in the summer?
No, 除非 it is your first or last semester at 利记sbo. 你可以 be enrolled in the summer if you wish.
7.     Can I take online courses?
可以,但是你不能超过远程教育的限制 在这里.
8.     Can I take a semester off?
国际学生必须在秋季全日制入学 & 春季学期. 如果你在此期间因任何原因不能上课,你 必须 与国际顾问会面,听取有关程序的建议.
1.     我想回国Travel,需要携带哪些证件?
Valid I-20 with current travel signature, valid visa for re-entry, passport valid 6 months into the future. OIP还建议你在Travel时打印一份课程表作为额外的注册证明.
2.     I am on OPT, can I travel?
如果你被OPT雇佣,那么是的,你可以带着适当的文件出国Travel. OIP还建议你在Travel时携带雇主的一封信,说明你正在Travel,但在重新进入美国后将返回你的职位.S. 如果你是 在OPT期间Working,OIP不建议出国Travel.
3.     Can my dependent(s) travel alone?
4.     How long is my travel signature on my I-20 valid for?
Travel签名在I-20的第三页,或者DS20-19的第一页. Travel signatures are good for one year.
5.     我可以留在美国吗.S. if my visa is expired?
是的,你可以. The purpose of your visa is to get you into the U.S.
6.     W在这里 can I renew my visa?
你可以不 renew your visa in the U.S. 因为没有必要. 下次你回你的祖国Travel时应该更新你的签证. 我们所做的 recommend travelling to Canada to renew your visa.
7.     Can I travel with an expired visa?
你可以 depart the U.S. 签证过期,但没有有效签证不能再入境. You 必须 renew when you travel home. 如果你去加拿大或墨西哥的时间少于30天,你可以进入美国.S. with an expired visa. These two countries are the 只有 exceptions.
8.     Can I let me passport expire while in the U.S.?
9.     W在这里 can I renew/extend my passport in the U.S.?
10.   Can I get a letter for my parents to travel to the U.S. for the Commencement Ceremony?
1.     How can I connect with other students on campus?
参加学生组织,参加不同组织举办的活动. 你可以 also follow us on 脸谱网 参加活动.
2.     What is my banner ID? 重要吗??
您的横幅ID是您唯一的利记sbo学生识别号码. 你需要它来向学校的办公室提出申请. Keep your student ID with you, your banner ID is on it.
3.     What fitness options are available on campus?
利记sbo有一个叫做Don Ridler Field House的校内健身房. 它位于校园的北端,对学生免费开放. You 必须 bring your student ID in order to enter.
4.     What information to include in an email or phone message?
当给利记sbo部门发电子邮件或留下电话信息时,一定要包括你的名字, 电话号码和Banner ID号码,以便您可以轻松识别. 别忘了留下联系方式,这样别人就能回复你的信息!
5.     我在哪里可以找到国际课程申请表?
6.     我想预约一位国际顾问,我该怎么做?
电邮至 international@asianicq.com with your availability.
7.     附近的杂货店、银行、医生、急救中心和医院在哪里?
Locations for local places are located in the Neighborhood Information page.
8.     Do I need to get a Michigan Driver’s License?
If you wish to operate a vehicle in Michigan, yes you need to first obtain a Michigan Driver’s License. More information found 在这里.
9.     Do I need a Social Security Number (SSN)?
A SSN is 不 needed, but helpful. 你可以 只有 get an SSN if you are employed in the U.S. 如果你没有Working,OIP不能给你SSN或者帮助你获得SSN.


A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center

国际 Advisor
国际 Advisor